CEEC, ACCA Zambia sign MoU

CEEC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ACCA Zambia to strengthen cooperation related to training in a bid to improve financial literacy and business digitization and build communication networking among CEEC supported businesses and ACCA community of finance professionals. Such partnerships are crucial for driving economic progress by equipping businesses with the right skills […]

CEEC and ZSIC General Insurance sign MoU

Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) and ZSIC General Insurance earlier today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a formal collaboration to ensure that the Empowerment Product and funds disbursed are protected from possible loss. This collaboration will also ensure the sustainability of funded enterprises because loss suffered through damage or theft will be mitigated.[…..]

CEEC and ZANIS sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions on comprehensive country wide media coverage. This will provide citizens with information on CEEC empowerment programs to promote equitable access to CEEC services. The collaboration also seeks to publicise[…..]

Special Call for Applications

Call For Applications_Special Tourism Empowerment Loan Product_@14 Dec24Download CEEC_Energy_Solar Equipment_Genset _Application Form@2024Download CEEC_Small Milling Plants_Application Form_@2024Download Agricultural-Mechanisation irrgiation System Support _Application-Form@2024Download